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Bitex Broker LTD
Bitex Broker LTD screenshot
Invested: $60.00
Payout ratio: 91%
Min Invest: 30$
Max Invest: 100000$
Referral: 6%/3%/1%
Withdrawal: Instant
Last Payout: Jan 14th, 2020
Added: Dec 23rd, 2019
Monitored: 1741 days
Support: Support E-mail Support Form Support Forum
Resources: ISP H-metrics ahm ahr am hyipbiz
Votes: 89 (14 votes)
Payment methods:
PerfectMoney Payeer Bitcoin Litecoin BitcoinCash Ethereum
Forum: forum forum forum forum forum forum forum forum forum forum forum forum forum forum
Investment Plans: 13% daily for 9 days
450% after 3 days

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